「景の足跡」−traces of shadows−



※初日 1月18日(月)の17:00より レセプション
※最終日 17:00まで





1970年 大阪生まれ。1994年 京都精華大学大学院美術研究科修士課程修了。天然鉱物や顔料を使ったテンペラ等、近代以前の手法を使い、「風景」を切り口に、大判の絵画を描き続ける。
galerie16(京都)、BASE GALLERY(東京)、ギャラリー手(東京)等での個展を中心に国内外で発表。近年は異分野アーティストや研究者とのコラボレーションワークも展開。

<個展 (2001年以降)>
2015 ‘光の趾音 –light trading the ground−‘ galerie16 (Kyoto)
2015 ‘白い影 / 三月の光 〜March Light / White Shadow〜’ ギャラリー勇斎(奈良)
2014 ’「風景」-LANDSCAPE SUICIDE-’ Art Complex Center Hall(東京)
2011 ’Absence of Light -歩行と逆光-’ galerie16 (京都)
2009 ’蒸発する時間/結晶する場面’ galerie16 (京都)
2006 ‘a ground’ galerie16 (京都)
2006 ギャラリー手 (東京)
2005 キュービックギャラリー(大阪)
2005 ギャラリー手(東京)
2003 BASE GALLERY (東京)
2002 ’Edinburgh Project’ 大阪府立現代美術センター (大阪)
2001 ’the presence between things’ ギャラリー手 (東京)
2001 Sculpture Court Gallery [eca] (エジンバラ/イギリス)

2013 ’Inverse Perspective Project’ モスクワビエンナーレ 特別プログラム(モスクワ/ロシア)
2013 ’Collecting Art of Asia’ Smith College Museum of Art(マサチューセッツ/アメリカ)
2012 ’風景の逆照射’ IPP [Inverse Perspective Project] 京都精華大学博物館ギャラリーフロール
2010 ’GOLD EXPERIENCE’ Hyun Gallery(ソウル/韓国)
2008 ’Out of Sight, Still in Mind’ Gallery Hangil (パジュ/韓国)
2005 ’City-net Asia’ ソウル市美術館(韓国)
2004 ’Confronting Tradition’ Smith College Museum of Art(アマサチューセッツ/アメリカ)
2001 ’京都府美術工芸選抜展’ 京都文化博物館
2000 ’京都市新鋭美術選抜展 2000’ 京都市美術館
2000 ’NCUBATION 00’ 京都芸術センター
1999 / 2002 ’VOCA展 ―新しい平面の作家たち’ 上野の森美術館(東京)
1997 / 1998 ’絵画の方向’ 大阪現代美術センター

2015 米国スミス大学滞在研究員(文化庁新進芸術家海外派遣)
2005 米国アマースト大学 ゲスト・アーティスト
2001 英国エジンバラ芸術大学 アーティスト・イン・レジデンス(大阪府芸術家派遣事業ART-TEX)
2001 ホルベインスカラシップ

Born in Osaka 1970
Master of Arts (Fine Arts) Kyoto Seika University 1994

Exhibitions include:
‘light trading the ground−‘ galerie16 (Kyoto, 2015)
‘‘Fu-Kei - LANDSCAPE SUICIDE’ Art Complex Center of Tokyo (2014)
‘Inverse Perspective Project’, Moscow Biennial Special Program (Russia, 2013)
‘Art of Asia collection’, Smith College Museum of Art (USA, 2013)
‘Gold Experience’, Hyun Gallery (South Korea, 2010)
‘Out of Sight, Still in Mind’, Gallery Hangil (South Korea, 2008)
‘City-net Asia’, Seoul Municipal Museum (South Korea, 2005)
‘Confronting Tradition’, Smith College Museum of Art (USA, 2004)
‘Edinburgh Project’, Osaka Contemporary Art Center (2002)
‘Obliteration’, Sculpture Court Gallery, eca (UK, 2001)
‘VOCA – Vision of Contemporary Art Japan’, Ueno Royal Museum (Tokyo, 1999, 2002)

Many solo exhibitions at galerie 16 (Kyoto), BASE GALLERY (Tokyo), and Gallery TE (Tokyo) among others.

Group exhibitions at Kyoto Municipal Museum, Kyoto Cultural Museum, Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music Satellite Gallery, and Kyoto Art Center among many others inside and outside Japan.

Guest researcher, Smith College (USA. 2005) through Agency for Cultural Affairs.
Guest artist, Amherst University (USA, 2004)
Artist in residence, Edinburgh College of Arts (UK.2001)through ART-EX, Osaka prefectural government.

風景のざわめきを絵筆の歌へ          木下長宏(近代芸術思想史)


When Whispering Landscapes Become Songs on Canvas

Nagahiro Kinoshita (History of Thoughts and ModernArt)

Throughout the modern age, the rapid progress of technology and the enormous increase of knowledge have been remarkable. We, the children of the technological era, are apt to think of ourselves assituated at the pinnacle of this world, and have become accustomed to understanding its history and current state through access to masses of information standardized by technology.

As a consequence, are we in danger of undervaluing the precious thoughts and feelings of our ancestors? And are accidents such as the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake and resulting tsunami typical examples of breakdowns in the field of technology? Are we getting ahead of ourselves in our drive for progress because of a belief in the power of the human intellect to control technology?

Technology and art, which both have their origin in the Greek word techne and its classical Latin translation ars, are arguably still today entwined in the existence of contemporary art. Masako Yasuki was sensitive to such problems as an artist long before the incident at Fukushima. While painting, in awe of the possibilities of the technology and art, she considers their relationship and fate, and seeks to open a way to emancipate herself and us from the bondage of modernism.

Yasuki’s work is a testament to her struggle to defeat these problems, and her success in doing so.

Yasuki’s work begins with the discovery of ‘landscape’ through eyes and body. It is the living landscape that strikes her, but it is nothing like ‘landscape’ in the sense used in modern painting. It is a sum greater than its parts, as if it were existence itself. Yasuki calls this experience a visit to ‘the inverse perspective of the landscape’. She doesn’t only observe the shape of landscape, but also wants to feel it, and to be captured by a kind of heat of the earth.

Yasuki uses three methods to paint such landscapes. The first is to look downward from an elevated vantage point. This is not a bird’s eye view, but akin to shin-en, an ancient East Asian method of painting that looks deep, but not with depth perspective, from a high point of view. The second is frottage, a means in which she rubs the surface of the earth, and which is reminiscent of ko-en – looking up high while crawling on the earth’s surface. This is also a method of old East Asian art used for landscapes. The third is hei-en, another ancient East Asian method which entails looking at landscape from the horizon, and which Yasuki realises in her Pine-Trees Landscape works.

The method Yasuki choses is influenced by the distance from the modern stage she wants to assume in order to access the ancient thoughts and feelings that modernism has abandoned. Regarding painting materials, she selects from, among others, the tempera of medieval European paintings, natural pigments of old oriental paintings, kin-paku (gold leaf) and gin-paku(silver leaf). By becoming accustomed with these inconvenient and old-fashioned materials, she intends to open a path of communication with the ancient arts.

From a modernist point of view, all things are liable to understanding by man. Landscape, however, exists over and beyond such regard. The ‘landscape’ that Yasukiwants to realise on canvas is, as it were, a whispering or rustling landscape that is brewed from light and shadow by the heat of the earth. It is this whispering or rustling that she tries to put into song with brush on canvas.

Let’s stand in front of Masako Yasuki’s paintings and listen to the faint song that her paintbrushes make, for the moment of our meeting with her paintings will truly be born when we tune into the delicate lines of her songs. Then and there is the pleasure of looking at her works.



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