”バベル” 希望の言語 酒井清一展

2022年4月18日 - 2022年4月23日


2022年4月1日 造形作家 酒井清一

■Intention of the work
This exhibition utilizes the “Tower of Babel” described in Genesis 11 of the Old Testament to express the power of language and the beginning of the construction of a new culture for mankind through the re-diffusion of language.
In Genesis, it is written, “The construction of a tower and a city that reached to heaven, which was carried out by the power of humans who lived in one language, provoked God’s anger. He dispersed humans to different parts of the world and made them speak different languages, and the construction was stopped. After that, such a city became impossible, and this tower / city came to be called Babel (meaning confusion) “.
In reality, humans have acquired different languages around the world, civilization has occurred and they have built the only prosperity of all living things on earth. The Stone Circle and Stonehenge are among the earliest human constructions. The circle form is interesting because of its significance in astronomy, universality, and reincarnation. Starting from this circle, when we begin to think about the construction of human thought, law, and wisdom, a dodecagon is derived. The number 12 is also used for time and the collective number of things, I feel that it would be beautiful in terms of formative forms if used in plazas and architecture where people gather. Therefore, I thought of a formative expression of the image that generates language from the dodecagonal square and the tower.
The industrial and energy revolutions that took place from the middle of the 18th to 19th century brought about a great revolution in human life. The vast intellectual property of books published during this period in the form of linguistic expressions contributed greatly to the development of life and culture in the 20th century. I would like to create a pictorial image of the emergence of language in a shower of these 19th century books, documents from the end of the Edo period, and alphabetic fonts. And I express it as a message toward the construction of a new culture.
April 1, 2022 Formative artist Seiichi SAKAI

酒井 清一

■個展 1984年~ テゥールーズ、リヨン、東京(藍画廊、アートスペース羅針盤、他)、千葉(睦、海、びあ)、京都、西宮等33回
■国際美術展 2015~2017年「日本の芸術展」Villa Contarini/Sala della Gran Guardia/Villa Bassi Rethgeb(パドヴァ、ヴェネチア)
2015年 「現代日本美術の巨匠版画展」“24 Stampe di Maestri Giapponesi Contemporanei”(イタリア・ササーリ)
2010年 「自然と芸術展」“NATURA AD ARTE”La Medusa CONTRO DI CULTURA(パドヴァ)
2010・2012年「タイ・日本彫刻シンポジューム」“Thailand-Japan Sculpture Symposium” (チェンマイ大学AC)
2010年「日本の伝統と今日の美術展」“Artisanats et art d’aujourd’hui au japon” (フランス・ベゾン、リヨン)
2009年「日本美術の探究」「新しい創造展」“Nouvelle recherché plastique japonaise”(フランス・カストル、リヨン)
1989~2006年 日仏現代美術交流展/ファソン・ジャポン展/日本作家の個展企画等 28回(フランス各地)
2001年~2019年・2021年「縄文コンテンポラリー展」船橋市飛ノ台史跡公園博物館 20回
2013年 “une culture de l’harmonie profession artiste:sakai seiichi” Furtherance of Centre nationl du livre
2000~2012年 “Penser l’art aujourd’hui” inspirations au japon, “Tanuki La galerie” no,1~no,9

Seiichi SAKAI Art activities
■Solo Exhibition 
1984- Toulouse, Lyon, Tokyo(Ai gallery, Art space Rashinban, etc.), Chiba(Mutsu, Umi, Bia), Kyoto, Nishinomiya etc. 33 times
■International Art Exhibition
2015-2017 “GIAPPONE IN ARTE ”Villa Contarini/Sala della Gran Guardia/Villa Bassi Rethgeb (Padova, Venice, )
2015 “Masterpiece Print Exhibition of Contemporary Japanese Art” (Sasari, Italy)
2010 “Nature and Art Exhibition” La Medusa CONTRO DI CULTURA (Padova, Italy)
2010/2012 “Thailand-Japan Sculpture Symposium” (Chiang Mai University AC, Thailand)
■International Art Exhibition Organize (Meeting for Thinking about Today’s Art)
2010 “Japanese Tradition and Today’s Art Exhibition” (Lyon, France)
2009 “Exploration of Japanese Art, New Creation Exhibition” (Lyon, Castres, France)
1989-2006 Japan-France Contemporary Art Exchange Exhibition / Fason Japon Exhibition / Solo exhibition of Japanese artists 28 times (all over France)
■Art activities in Funabashi City
2001-2019/2021 “Jomon Contemporary Exhibition” Funabashi-City Museum of Tobinodai History Park 20 times
1991/1994-2000 “Contemporary Art International Exchange Exhibition” Funabashi Citizen’s Gallery (East Asia, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, France, etc.)
1994- Funabashi Andersen Park Children Museum / Funabashi Art Museum (Kiyokawa Memorial Hall) Establishment / Management Review Committee, etc.
■A publication in France
2013“a culture of harmony artist profession:sakai seiichi” Furtherance of National Book Center
2000-2012 “Thinking about art today” inspirations in Japan, “Tanuki La galerie” no,1~no,9